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Petzteller02: The ​​Abduction of 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone

每個動物救援組織和義工不停救回不同貓狗,又開心地送牠們到永遠的家,都會有同一個苦惱:取名。香港 LAP 的對應方法是,每月一個英文字母作為名字開首。今個十月,LAP Cat Adoption Centre 的貓咪們名字取到 P 字頭。

一隻一歲的三腳虎紋貓初來甫到,取名 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone。

她漂亮圓潤、憨態可掬,如希臘神話中的穀物女神 Persephone —— 大地與豐收之神狄蜜特的女兒,每天爛漫無邪地端坐於花田之中,以甜美的歌聲為大地喚來穀物和生命;受眾人戀慕,甚至在採水仙花時被冥王 Hades 駕着戰車分裂大地,把只來得及尖叫一聲的女神擄走。

貓義工那晚在東涌如常餵貓,在花槽附近遇到這隻看見人、被人摸就咕嚕咕嚕的 「Purr」sephone 。於是,順理成章、輕如易舉把她帶回了 Cat Centre。

花葉凋零的秋天到了,是因為我們把 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone 關在籠子了嗎?

神話中的穀物女神 Persephone 被捉走後,其母親亦傷心得無心工作,已經耕種好的土地不再長出莊稼,種子在土裏腐爛,剛抽穗的穀物也馬上乾枯,造成凡人的歉收饑饉。父親宙斯見凡人無心供奉諸神,便下令著冥王交出 Persephone。冥王卻早有預備,早早讓他心愛的女神吃下冥界的石榴籽。而命運女神規定,沒有沾染過冥界食物的人和神才能重返人間。宙斯為了讓狄蜜特重回奧林匹斯山使大地重獲生機,便賜予 Persephone 分掌天地兩界的職能,同時成為冥后和春天女神。從此, Persephone 每年必須有一半時間留在冥界,而那時,寒冬覆蓋大地、萬物凋零⋯⋯ 以前的希臘人以此解釋四季的交替。

大地之神,𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone 則是自願且快樂的。她毫無防備便把肚子露給擄走她的人,對着每個人類都盡情地「Purr」。一如 Persephone 協助亡靈安放靈魂或等待重生,帶來「地獄之春」,愛撒嬌的 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone 來到 Adoption Centre ,亦有本事令疲於奔波的義工們得到安慰,幫助更多動物重獲新生。

她柔軟單純,可以任由才剛見面一分鐘的人握住她的短肢,用指腹輕輕摩挲短肢處的幼細骨骼,然後驚訝地用觸覺去發現:短肢處也有肉球。𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone 的短肢是先天畸形而成的,萬幸地並沒有經歷過嚴重的傷勢,依然活潑健康、一切安好。


【The ​​Abduction of 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone】

Keep rescuing different cats and dogs, and happily send them to their eternal homes, every animal rescue organisation and volunteers all have the same struggle: naming them. The solution of Hong Kong LAP is to start the name with an English letter per month. This October, cats at the LAP Cat Adoption Centre got their names starting with P.

A one-year-old three-legged tabby cat has just arrived, named 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone.

She is beautiful, plump and naive, like Persephone, the goddess of grain in Greek mythology, and the daughter of Demeter, the god of the earth and harvest. She sits innocently in the flower field everyday, bringing grain and life to the earth with her sweet singing. Everyone loves her, and even when picking flowers, Hades, the king of the underworld, drove the chariot to split the ground, and took away the goddess who only had time to scream.

Cat volunteers were feeding cats as usual in Tung Chung that night, and they met this 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone near the flower trough, who purred once she saw people and got petted. So it was so asy to bring her back to the Cat Centre.

Fall is here. Is it because we caged 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone?

After the goddess of grain Persephone was captured in Myth, her mother was so sad that she did not want to work. The ploughed land no longer grew crops, the seeds rotted in the soil, and the newly heading grains dried up immediately, causing the mortals to fail in harvest and famine. Her father Zeus saw that mortals had no intention of worshipping the gods, so he commanded Hades to hand over Persephone. However, Hades had already prepared and let his beloved goddess to eat pomegranate seeds from the underworld. The goddess of fate stipulates that only people and gods who have not been contaminated with food from the underworld can return to the world. In order to allow Demeter to return to Mount Olympus and bring the earth back to life, Zeus gave Persephone the functions of being separately in charge of the two worlds, becoming the queen of the underworld and the goddess of spring at the same time. From then on, Persephone had to stay in the underworld half of the year, and at that time, the snow will cover the earth and everything wither… The previous Greeks used this to explain the alternation of four seasons.

Dear Demeter, 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone is willing and happy. She exposed her belly to her kidnapper defenceless, and “purr” to all human beings. Just as Persephone helps the dead to place their souls or rebirth, bringing the “Hell’s Spring”, the coquettish 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone came to the Adoption Centre, also has the ability to comfort the tired volunteers so they can help more animals to be reborn.

She is so soft and simple that can let the person she has only met for a minute hold her shorted arm, gently rub the thin bones with the pulp of finger, and then be surprised to find out with the touch that there are also some toe beans on the shorted arm.

𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone’s shorted arm is a congenital deformity and it should be a phocomelia arm. Fortunately, she has not experienced serious injuries. She is still healthy and all is well.

Hong Kong’s autumn and winter are very warm and short. Please take advantage of the comfortable temperature these days, bring home the goddess of spring!



Text by ZtoryTeller.

Animal rescue organisation:Lifelong Animal Protection

有意領養 𝘗𝘶𝘳𝘳sephone,請於 LAP 網站填妥領養表格:

◇ ZtoryMission – #Petzteller


◇ Ztorytheme -〖秋天 𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕞𝕟〗


其實,好故事就像落葉一樣俯拾皆是,讓我們從不同角度感受秋天吧。ZtoryTeller 希望百花枯萎、乾燥腐爛的味道,令你傷感之餘多情,收穫美麗的人和事,做好準備一起過冬。

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