那是整整7年前的一月。他第一次踏足香港的廟街,這街道給他的印像是非常擁擠、混亂、嘈雜,到處都是五顏六色的攤位。 他很喜歡街道起點和終點之間有著很多有趣的對比,廉價與美麗、傳統的大門與現代化的商品。
「我經常有這種在混亂中尋找規律的衝動,這就是為什麼我用招財貓作為裝飾品的攤位。 香港的傳統攤檔經常養貓,我覺得這隻坐在招財貓中間的貓很迷人。」- Mateusz Kolek
他喜歡貓平靜的性格,牠感覺很自在,就像牠周圍的混亂根本沒有影響到牠。 他居住的城市位於波蘭的克拉科夫,聊是一座有著自己慢節奏的城市。 在那香港街道上,那刻他覺得自己必須擁抱混亂的環境,才能夠從中學到一些東西。
It was January, exactly 7 years ago. He visited Temple Street for the first time. It was a very crowded, chaotic, loud street filled with colourful stalls. He loved the contrast between multitude of flashy, cheap products and beautiful, traditional gates at the beginning and the end of the street.
“I often feels this urge to find patterns in chaos, that’s why I used the stall with maneki neko cats as an ornament. Owners of Hong Kong traditional stalls often have cats and I find this one sitting among cats figures quite charming.” – Mateusz Kolek
He loved its calm disposition, it felt so natural, like this chaos around the cat didn’t affect it at all. Kraków, the city he used to live, is a city with its own slow vibe. Somehow he felt that he have to embrace this chaos, in order to be able to learn something from this busy city.