當我初初返回香港時,我完全沉浸在孤獨感當中。那時,我經常在乘巴士回家途中,一個人哭起來。 我永遠不會忘記,旁邊一位陌生人在完全不問任何問題的情況下,純粹自然地將一包紙巾遞給我的時刻。在現在這個要保持距離,而且整天要戴口罩的日子,那就是我最想念的時刻。
When I first moved back to Hong Kong, I was overwhelmed with loneliness. I used to cry on the bus home quite often. I’ll never forget the time a total stranger just casually passed me a pack of tissues, no questions asked. In these times of distancing and masked faces, its moments like these I miss the most.
Storyteller and Illustratior:Kaitlin Chan @chen_jiaxian