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Ztorybook Issue 1: How to breathe with your heart 如何用心呼吸

HKD$ 280.00

這是一本給大人們的雙語睡前故事書,裏面共12個睡前故事、12件藝術品。第一期於 2021年 4月正式推出。


Ztorybook 是一個籌備了接近兩年的獨立出版計劃。閱讀就好比一趟小旅行。翻開書本,隨著心的想像,我們將會帶領讀者開展一趟又一趟的小旅行。在資訊泛濫和演算法的網路世界裡,與其煩惱著如何應對,我們認為更重要的是要更有意識去生活。何為有意識?第一步,慢下來。第二步,發問。

小時候,我們每一個都抱著好奇心去不斷發問。長大後卻忘了怎樣發問。Ztorybook 在每一期將發問一個問題,以 12個睡前故事、12件藝術品去回應,連結世界各地的創作人,希望長大後的大人們能好好收藏此書,透過故事連結自己的心,以新的角度看自己看世界。


Issue 01 : How to breathe with heart? 如何用心呼吸


參與此書的部分Storyteller: 米哈、岑寧兒、伊敏、趙曉彤、平子雄一、陳心遙、林一峰、Ruo Wu、Javier Calleja、Shinji Tsuchimochi、Joel Kwong⋯⋯


This is a bilingual bedtime storybook designed for adults, with 12 bedtime stories and 12 art pieces. The first issue is being published in April 2021. 

〖About Ztorybook〗: Do we still raise questions?

Ztorybook is an independent publication project that has been prepared for almost two years. We read as if we are taking a journey. Open the book and use our hearts to imagine, we would love to bring readers towards more heartfelt trips.

Living in an information overflowed world, our every small acts are measured or even recorded. Instead of panicking how to confront, we shall rather focus on living with awareness. How to live with awareness? Firstly, slow down. Secondly, raise questions.

When we were still kids, we raised bountiful questions because of curiosity. After we grow up, we tend to hide confusions and avoid clarifications. A question would be raised in each Ztorybook issue. We then link up different writers and artists, hence to figure out responses by 12 bedtime stories and 12 art pieces.  We hope every grown-up individual could keep the book, so to link your heart with stories, understand your inner self and the world in a new way.

Apart from working with artists, Storyteller collaborates with the local printing workroom. Our first issue’s cover has specially adapted thermochemical paint printing, words and secrets are hidden under the paint. Let us practise how to breathe once again from a simple touch.

Issue 01: How to breathe with heart?

Breathing in and out are considered as basic routines in life. However, while we are too busy to slow our pace down, do we still know how to breathe with our hearts?

Under no circumstances are we seeking an explicit conclusion. Happiness on the journey outweighs any issues aside,  namely uncertainties or specific endings. Satisfaction is hoped to be sparkled along the way. Let’s live along in the power of stories with awareness. Never resist raising questions and making heartfelt decisions.

SKU: Ztorybook01 Category: Product ID: 7931

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Cover Art

Javier Calleja, Ruo Wu

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