我們每時每刻的情緒,也是獨有且珍貴。若化作一道菜式,那又會是怎樣的味道呢 ?
SOONER 主理人 Ives 將那轉眼即逝的情緒和時刻化作六道菜式,述說著一天的六個小時刻、小情緒與小故事。讓我們在新的一年到來之前,享受 Ives 提供的美味佳餚,細細體會主廚透過食物傳遞的情感。或許因為各自的經歷,我們會品嚐出不同的味道,但就像一頓飯的字面意義一樣,吃完後就該好好放下、休息。讓我們以期待下一頓飯的心情,期待新的一年吧!
先來看看我們菜單上每道菜式的亮點 :
1. Excitement (Morning) – The anticipation of a new day and its possibilities.
2. Frustration (Midday) – Challenges faced during work or daily tasks.
3. Joy (Afternoon) – Moments of connection with friends, family, or enjoyable activities.
4. Fatigue (Evening) – The weariness that comes from a busy day.
5. Reflection (Night) – Contemplating the day’s events and emotions before rest.
6. Gratitude (Anytime) – Appreciation for small moments and experiences throughout the day.
《POP-UP CHEF : Taste of Times 》 Details 詳情
DATE 日期:21/1 (TUE 星期二)
TIME SLOT 1 時段一:6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
TIME SLOT 2 時段二:8:30 pm – 10:30 pm
FEE 收費 : HKD 848 ( Per Person每位)
Venue 地點:ztoryhome