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Neighbourhood guide: 遊走於InnoCell生活圈

專為創科人提供共居空間的InnoCell設有科學園及九龍西兩個地址,推崇獨特的「Work. Live. Play. Learn.」文化,在鼓勵創科的同時,亦積極推動鄰近生活圈。我們為InnoCell製作的這份neighbourhood guide,找來本地插畫師黑豆利用簡約的手繪畫,帶領InnoCell的住客在沙田遊走及探索九龍西每個新舊角落。

我們以InnoCell at Science Park作為起點,體驗食、玩、買及文化娛樂景點應有盡有、動靜皆宜的生活。來到InnoCell at Kowloon West所處社區,我們將帶你深入充滿特色的橫街小巷、舊唐樓、酒吧或小店,再慢步於藝文地標西九文化區,體驗新舊交融的港式魅力。
為提升住宿體驗,InnoCell at Kowloon West更會於10月起一連三個月提供早上開往科學園的免費穿梭巴士服務,讓住客更輕鬆、無負擔地來往九龍西與科學園。
來跟着 InnoCell neighbourhood guide逛一逛沙田及九龍西,發掘生活靈感,輕鬆打造屬於自己的完美一天。

Neighbourhood guide: a stroll around the InnoCell community
Follow where life leads you. Let every connection in the community be your inspiration to create.
Designed specifically for innovators, InnoCell provides co-living spaces at two locations: Science Park and Kowloon West. Encompassing the unique “Work. Live. Play. Learn.” culture, InnoCell not only fosters innovation within its co-living premises but also actively promotes the surrounding community. This neighbourhood guide, created for InnoCell, features the hand-drawn illustrations of local artist Blacbean. It serves as a guide for InnoCell residents to explore and wander in the Sha Tin and Kowloon West areas.

It all begins at InnoCell at Science Park, where residents can experience a vibrant blend of dining, entertainment, shopping, and cultural attractions, with activities that cater to both active and leisurely lifestyles. In the community surrounding InnoCell at Kowloon West, we recommend delving into distinctive alleyways, traditional tenement buildings, bars, and indie shops, before strolling over to the West Kowloon Cultural District, an artistic landmark blending old and new, to experience Hong Kong’s unique charm.
To enhance the experience, starting from October, InnoCell at Kowloon West will offer a free shuttle service to Science Park every morning for three months.
Follow the InnoCell neighbourhood guide to discover Sha Tin and Kowloon West and encounter inspiration for daily living. Craft your perfect day here.

Storyteller: InnoCell @hksciencepark
Creative and Production by ZtoryTeller @ztoryteller.official
Illustration by @blac_bean

HongKongSciencePark #InnoCell #KowloonWest


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